On our policies and procedures page, you’ll find all the steps we take to support and protect you. CT Skills is committed to safeguarding our learners, apprentices, staff, and visitors to allow a safe and protected work environment whether that is in the office or at home. If you or your child study with us we must protect your mental and physical health to allow you a happy and healthy mind. We also want an enjoyable and safe workplace to ensure you succeed in your goals without any problems or disruptions.
Safeguarding & Prevent
This page provides key safeguarding information for learners, apprentices, and employers.
CT Skills are committed to safeguarding our learners, apprentices, staff, and visitors.
CT Skills provides opportunities for young people and adults to learn new skills, gain confidence, and maximise their potential. Promoting safe working practices and understanding rights and responsibilities at work are key components of all learning programmes.
The term safeguarding embraces the protection of both children and vulnerable adults including the prevention of individuals being drawn into terrorism.
Many areas are considered to fall under the definition of safeguarding including
- Abuse (emotional and physical) • Harassment and bullying (including online) • Discriminatory abuse • Financial abuse • Mental health • Forced marriage • Neglect or self-harm • Domestic violence • Radicalisation and extremism •Sexual Harassment • Sexual Abuse • Sexual Violence
The Prevent Duty: Guidance for further education institutions in England and Wales (2015) defines our role as helping prevent people being drawn into terrorism (violent and non-violent extremism), which can create an atmosphere conducive to terrorism and can popularise views which terrorists exploit.
Extremism is the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. This also includes calling for the death of members of the armed forces.
Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.
Terrorism is an action that endangers or causes serious violence to a person/people; causes serious damage to property; or seriously interferes or disrupts an electronic system. The use or threat must be designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, or ideological cause.
Our Safeguarding Policy is available on our website and aims to meet this commitment and provide key safeguarding and Prevent information.
If you or your child study with us and you have any safeguarding concerns you can contact the Safeguarding and Wellbeing Champions team – email: safeguarding@ctskills.co.uk
If you have any safeguarding concerns when the offices are closed you should contact either your Local Authority Out of Hours Social Care number for any concerns relating to a child (under 18), which you can find by putting in the postcode of where you’re reporting from at the following link: www.gov.uk/report-child-abuse-to-local-council
If you feel that a child or any other learner is at immediate risk of injury or harm and in need of protection, you should contact the police immediately by dialling 999 emergency number.
These organisations will be able to help you and take any necessary action. Please feel free contact the Safeguarding team when the offices re-open in order for a member of the safeguarding team to follow this up on your behalf and offer the appropriate support.
The NSPCC also have a texting service. You can anonymously text 88858 for free and the helpline will send an automated confirmation response followed by a specific response from a helpline practitioner
Please view the full policy by clicking on the Safeguarding and Prevent Policy below.
Policies Relating to Safeguarding & Prevent
Communications Policy
Communications are an important and integral part of the everyday business and our ethos for all such communications is derived from the company’s core ‘PRAISE’ values:
- Pride;
- Respect;
- Accountability;
- Integrity;
- Service Excellence
CT Skills aims to achieve compliance with the policy by ensuring that all communications:
- are timely, relevant and accurate;
- always strive to adhere to any stakeholder deadlines and requirements;
- are set out in clear format and in plain English;
- are issued at the relevant times and in the manner appropriate to, or requested by, each stakeholder;
- are compliant with GDPR and other legislation;
- are approved by the relevant staff member or group as appropriate;
- are communicated through the relevant channels or posted to the appropriate medium as required;
- are displayed, stored or archived if appropriate.
Equality and Diversity
CT Skills is committed to promoting Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion (“EDI”) and eliminating discrimination in all those areas over which it has influence. This includes staff, learners, delivery partners and wider stakeholders.
Our aim is that our workforce and learners, both potential and actual, will be truly representative of all sections of society and will feel respected and able to give their best. To that end, the purpose of this policy is to promote equality and inclusion in our employment and for those accessing our services and not to discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief and sex or sexual orientation. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination including
harassment, victimisation and all other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act.
All employees, whether part-time, full-time, or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for employment, promotion, training, and any other benefit will be based on aptitude and ability. All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise efficiency of the organisation.
CT Skills is committed to widening access to its services and facilities to members of under-represented groups. This commitment is accompanied by the recognition that equality must encompass programme, teaching, facilities, and learning issues.
The co-operation of all employees is essential to the success of our EDI Policy. However, ultimate responsibility for achieving the Policy’s objectives, and for ensuring compliance with the relevant statutory provisions as well as the various codes of practice, lies with the company.
CT Skills will ensure that its Policy, Statement and accompanying codes of practice are widely distributed to both internal and external stakeholders. Internally, through websites, and any subcontractors and other stakeholders are made aware of our EDI requirements to ensure that they uphold similar levels of commitment and behaviour in line with our own values.
CT Skills’ management are committed to the Policy and overall responsibility lies with the Strategic Leadership Groups. The Policy is underpinned by relevant EDI action points embedded within the Quality Improvement Plan which will focus attention on the key tasks to be met, with monitoring and review.
Health, Safety & Environmental Policy
- CT Skills believes the protection of the environment is an integral part of good institutional business practice and that it has a duty to conduct all of its operations with due regard for the environment, and commits to maintaining and, wherever possible, improving the quality of the environment through continuous improvement of its management system. In addition, to advise and support others to share the CT Skills’ commitment through relevant best practice and communication, to make a positive contribution to the environment.
- CT Skills is furthermore committed to safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of all employees and of all other persons affected by its operations. To this end, the CT Skills management system promotes a proactive approach to identifying and reducing risks so as to facilitate a safe working environment for all its employees and those working under its control.
- Some CT Skills service users may be from particularly vulnerable groups, and operations are accordingly conducted in the specific context of emphasis on all learners being entitled to a safe, healthy and supportive learning environment.
- CT Skills seeks to make the most effective and efficient use of all resources to encourage all employers, learners, contractors and wider stakeholders to embrace an HS&E culture based on continual improvement in both management and performance. As part of this commitment, and aspirations to optimum standards of governance, CT Skills places HS&E considerations at the heart of all its business activities.
- CT Skills will review this Policy at least annually, ensuring that it reflects both the HS&E intentions and the overall direction of the organisation, and also continues to be appropriate to the nature and scale of its HS&E risks and impacts.
This Policy furthermore provides the framework for setting HS&E objectives and will be available to all interested parties. CT Skills holds and will maintain certification to relevant Standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 45001.
In particular, CT Skills, will:
- Meet all relevant legislation, government guidelines, regulations, codes of practice and other requirements as set in Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 & 2006, Environmental Protection Act 1990, GDPR 2018, and associated Legal Requirements.
- Ensure that, on a continual improvement basis, HS&E hazards and aspects are identified, risks assessed and suitable management controls put in place to prevent injury, ill health and adverse environmental impacts.
- Develop management processes to ensure that HS&E factors are considered during planning and implementation.
- Engage with learners, employees, contractors and wider stakeholders to further reduce HS&E risks and impacts associated with working for, with, or on behalf of CT Skills.
- Reduce resource consumption and prevent pollution to air, ground and water.
- Work with subcontractors to ensure that partners delivering CTS contracts are aware of our requirements and that they review and adopt environmental best practice appropriate to their organisation during delivery.
- Ensure that exercising due diligence in respect of HS&E responsibility is a condition of employment.
- Maintain a commitment to train all staff in Health, Safety and Environmental awareness.
All employees and managers have a statutory responsibility with regard to CT Skills’ Health, Safety and Environmental obligations. Overall operational responsibility lies with the Chief Executive Officer, Directors and the Heads of Operations.
Quality Policy
CT Skills places a premium on the excellence of service delivered and on making its customers feel as committed to CT Skills as it is to them.
CT Skills strives to provide training and development services that are of high quality and exceed national standards. Teaching and learning strategies are geared towards inspiring learners to achieve qualifications, gain employment and progress to higher levels of learning and job security.
CT Skills is intent on meeting and, where practicable, exceeding the requirements and expectations of its range of stakeholders and using the invaluable feedback from them to inform continuous improvement planning.
CT Skills provides professional development, support and motivation for all staff. They are further empowered to each be a key and integral part of the continuous improvement cycle to which CT Skills is committed and which underpins all CT Skills quality endeavours.
CT Skills ensures that all learners, staff and partners are valued, respected and given the best opportunities to succeed.
CT Skills aims to achieve the above by:
- Fulfilling contractual obligations to ensure the business is able to provide the optimum level of teaching and training to its learners and aspire to exceed the national qualification success rates.
- Providing excellent customer care, responding promptly and productively to the views of learners, partners, employers and other interested parties, using this information to inform improvement planning.
- Formulating a strategic business plan which can accommodate change and meet the expectations of its diverse stakeholder group.
- Using effective management information systems to monitor progress in the achievement of quality objectives, targets and key performance indicators.
- Taking the strategic decision to adopt an Integrated Management System that aligns with Quality Management System ISO 9001 and incorporates other national and international standards and requirements (ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, Investors in People, Common Inspection Framework, Matrix and the Qualifications Curriculum Authority).
- Ensuring that the Quality Management System enables consistent achievement of business objectives and targets, meeting customer requirements and delivering products that meet required quality standards.
- Achieving compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
All Directors, Managers and staff within the company are individually and collectively responsible for the quality of their work and the service they provide to both internal and external customers, and for promoting and demonstrating the organisation’s core values: Pride, Respect, Accountability, Integrity and Service Excellence (‘PRAISE’).
The Directors and the Strategic Leadership Group are responsible for communicating and verifying comprehension of this Policy across the business; for monitoring the Quality Management System, for reviewing it for continuing suitability and for reporting to the CEO the Management System’s implementation, status and effectiveness.
Complaints Policy
We are committed to provide the best possible service to all our customers. The compliments, comments
and complaints process is an important part of this. Feedback of any kind is of great value to us and enables
us to:
- Understand the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of our clients, customers and staff members with our
organisation and services
- Acknowledge good performance and provide positive feedback to our staff
- Influence our organisational development and service improvement
The purpose of the policy is to provide an accessible and effective mechanism for our customers, including
learners, employers, partners and referral agencies to contact us and provide feedback on the services they
receive from us. CT Skills staff should always discuss their feedback with their line manager as a first point of
call. If, for any reason, they feel that they are unable to do so, they can use this channel to share their
This policy sets out the principles of the process by which we will operate, how feedback can be provided
and how we will respond to it.
This policy does not cover complaints regarding tutor assessment decisions. If you disagree with an
assessment decision, please refer to our Appeals process.
This policy does not cover whistleblowing. If you are a customer or staff member who is worried about
fraud, corruption and/or improper conduct at CT Skills, please refer to our whistleblowing policy at
This policy uses the following definitions:
- a compliment is an expression of praise concerning a service received
- a comment is a suggestion for how a service may be improved
- a complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about a standard of service
- the term feedback may be used as a collective term for compliments, comments and complaints
- Compliments, comments and complaints can be raised by users of our services, including learners,
employers, partners and referral agencies, any external or regulatory bodies and their staff members
as well as CT Skills staff
- We will deal with feedback timely, as quickly and effectively as we can
- We will receive all feedback in a positive manner
- We will remain honest, constructive and open throughout the process
Co-financed by
- We will apply a consistent and fair approach to handling complaints, avoiding bias
- People will not receive a lesser service or discriminated in any way just because they made a
- We will remain sensitive and handle feedback with due care being paid to individual differences and
- Confidentiality will be respected at all times. We cannot respond to any feedback that is anonymous,
but we will ensure that these will inform improvements
- We will ensure that all parties effected will be sufficiently kept informed
- We will actively monitor and promptly act upon any feedback received through the below channels:
o CT Skills staff member – feedback can be passed onto any staff members via phone, text
message, in person or in writing.
o CT Skills surveys – The link of such surveys can be found in main customer facing publications,
such as the VLE, handbooks and can be requested from CT Skill staff members
o CT Skills website – contact section /contact-us and complaint section
o CT Skills social media platforms
o Suggestion box in any of our centres
Although we will make every effort to monitor feedback on any other platforms and websites, we
are unable to promise response to those. For this reason we ask our customers to feedback to us via
the channels described above.
The below summarises the three stages of our complaints process. CT Skills staff needs to be familiar with the
full step by step process on Cloud. (Cloud/Business Improvements/4.3.3 Compliments, comments and
complaints Process)
INFORMAL STAGE – Local level: Manager or staff member response
FORMAL STAGE 1 – Head of Department
FORMAL STAGE 2 – CT Skills Board Member
At the initial INFORMAL STAGE the complaint will be investigated by an appointed manager and response will
be made in the same method that the complaint was made and a response made within 5 working days. If we
can’t reach the person making the complaint, at least two attempts at contacting will be made. If the person
making the complaint is satisfied with the outcome the complaint is closed. If the outcome is not satisfactory
FORMAL STAGE 1 is initiated.
At FORMAL STAGE 1 the complaint is passed to the Head of Department to investigate and the person making
the complaint will receive a response within 30 days of the original complaint. If the person making the
complaint is satisfied with the outcome the complaint is closed. If the outcome is not satisfactory FORMAL
STAGE 2 is initiated.
At FORMAL STAGE 2 the complaint is passed to a member of the CT Skills board to investigate. The outcome of
this investigation will be reported to the person making the complaint within 60 days of the original complaint
in writing. If the person making the complaint is satisfied with the outcome the complaint is closed.
When all internal routes have been exhausted and the complaint remains unresolved the person making the
complaint has the right to contact the relevant Awarding Organisation or Funding Body https://www.ctskills.co.uk/complaints/
Privacy & Data Protection Policy
CT Skills is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses the personal data of its learners, staff and others, and to meeting data protection obligations, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) May 2018. This policy sets out the organisation’s commitment to data protection, and individual rights and obligations in relation to personal data.
This policy applies to all personal data processed for HR-related and business purposes such as, but not limited to; the personal data of learners, parents and guardians, job applicants, employees, workers, contractors, volunteers, interns, apprentices and former employees. CT Skills processes personal data in accordance with the following data protection principles:
- The organisation processes personal data lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner;
- The organisation collects personal data only for specified, explicit and legitimate purpose;
- The organisation processes personal data only where it is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes of processing;
- The organisation keeps accurate personal data and takes all reasonable steps to ensure that inaccurate personal data is rectified or deleted without delay;
- The organisation keeps personal data only for the period necessary for processing;
- The organisation adopts appropriate measures to make sure that personal data is secure, and protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and accidental loss, destruction or damage.
Supply chain partnerships: management and fee policies (2024-25)
Supply chain partnerships: management and fee policies (2024-25)
CT Skills is committed to providing a well-managed and high standard of approved subcontract partnership delivery for the benefit and progression of our employers and learners.
This policy sets out the key aims and requirements of the CT Skills partnership policy for 2024-25 within the ESFA and ESF funded contract delivery provided.
Selection and Use of subcontract partners
CT Skills (CTS) collaborates with subcontracting partners for a number of reasons which can include:
- Provision of specialist sector support for learners;
- Provision of specialist geographic support for learners;
- Supporting wider engagement in the learner community through partnerships with third sector organisations (voluntary and charity partners);
- Supporting wider engagement with partners who can access harder to help and disadvantaged learners, including focus on equality and diversity delivery;
- Strengthening partnership delivery through embedding our own CTS core skills and experiences into the subcontracted delivery through identification of learners and employers and providing resource to complement the partner’s in-house delivery.
CTS will only subcontract with partners who meet the relevant Due Diligence thresholds and where applicable are approved providers within the relevant ESFA Register such as the Apprenticeship Provider & Assessment Register (APAR) as appropriate.
CTS will strive to ensure that any delivery through sub-contracting agreements will follow the Subcontracting obligations contained in the ESFA Funding Rules and the relevant Subcontractor Policies, the terms of which will not differ materially from the applicable ESFA master contract between each funding body and CTS.
Where new subcontractors are being engaged CTS will ensure there is a clear rationale for the engagement and that it aligns with the company’s own operational and quality requirements. In such a case the company will determine the appropriate business requirements and establish market and learner requirements before agreeing to engage potential subcontract partners. A suitable mechanism to conduct this process will be agreed and the procurement opportunity scoped and defined to ensure that a robust and fair engagement process is undertaken and that the company ensures the successful partner has the required infrastructure, delivery capability, quality thresholds and resources (including financial) to safeguard learners and deliver the subcontract before contracts are awarded, signed and delivery commences. Lead contacts will be determined between the parties to ensure high-level commitment, with a contract service level agreement in place to enable management of the contract agreement.
Where existing subcontractors are to be offered a new annual contract or extension Due Diligence will be refreshed ahead of the novated contracts, a review undertaken to ensure the subcontract continues to offer high quality in-demand educational programmes, and a commitment that both parties understand and will fulfil the new delivery requirements within the ESFA master contract rules.
Commitment to improving the quality of subcontracting, including contract management, and teaching and learning
CTS will ensure that Partnership Managers have the necessary training and experience to manage subcontracts with clear lines of responsibility and direct reporting to the Directors to enable regular performance and quality updates to be monitored. Wherever possible, succession or contingency planning will be in place with clear processes and documentation to ensure continuity of contract management where employees may join, change roles, or leave the company.
Where Partnership Managers engage and manage subcontractors signed contracts will be in place for each delivery agreement, and regular contract management meetings will be held, both internally, and with the subcontract partners with key actions and delivery metrics being reviewed and recorded on a regular basis. Where necessary CTS will identify and enforce improvement plans with subcontractors to address concerns and over or under-performance relating to the relevant contracts. These plans may cover both learner programme delivery quality and other critical areas such as financial health, data security, succession planning, and learner wellbeing and safeguarding.
CTS will also ensure that risk management and contingency planning include plans for how to mitigate the risk of subcontractor failure to protect the integrity and delivery of programmes to learners.
CTS is committed to continuously improving its own quality of teaching and learning and extends this support to its subcontract providers including through sharing of CTS teaching and learning policies, areas with identification for improvement, learning tracking systems, and resource support for delivery observations and recommendations.
CTS requires high standards of teaching and learning quality from its delivery partners but also recognises that some partners benefit from support in this area and therefore provides this within its core partnership delivery policies.
CTS holds 9001 Quality, 14001 Environmental, and 45001 HS&E quality accreditations. Within these subcontractor management relationships the company supports and encourages subcontractors to adopt appropriate elements of these processes and best practice as an integral part of the wider commitment by CTS to these standards.
Subcontract partner contracts and management fee structures and charges
Viability of contracts and associated management fee charges are agreed with subcontract partners dependent upon an assessment of criteria including:
- Date of establishment and financial stability of partner;
- Assessment of teaching and learning capability and wider quality issues;
- Desirability of sector, geographic, and socio-economic provision;
- Engagement with local employers and learners and evidence of progression routes;
- Size of delivery contract proposed;
- CTS risk assessment of ability of partners to deliver contract volumes and required quality of outcomes;
- Levels of additional CTS support requested by subcontract partners;
- Promoting British values and Citizenship.
For ESFA contracts CTS will agree bespoke management fee charges with each subcontractor for each contract in line with ESFA contracting requirements for 2024-25.
Management fees will include all normal levels of annual support, including administrative functions, quality audits and assurance, compliance costs, plus any mandatory training, best practice, and partner mentoring services.
CTS is committed to ensuring that the included services within any annual ESFA subcontract management fees agreed do not exceed the ESFA recommended maximum of 20% of delivery revenues. Where management fees would exceed this level, CTS will look to cap these fees within the ESFA maximum level wherever possible.
Payments to partners for satisfactory contract delivery are made within 30 days following each monthly upload deadline.
Subcontract partner support packages and development
CTS will endeavour to develop subcontract partnerships to share best practice and encourage added value above the basic contract delivery requirements. CTS will try to understand what the wider partner’s subcontractor objectives are within each contract and will facilitate co-operation and two-way initiatives to enable both parties to learn from each other, to enable the improvement of both delivery of the contracts, and the mitigation of risks for the benefit of all stakeholders.
To support and protect the required level of delivery service from subcontract partners, CTS provides the following management and guidance to delivery partners within the core fee structure (portion of contract value) as indicated below:
- Engagement, risk assessment and contracting due diligence (3%):
- Initial due diligence and best practice review of the potential subcontractor before entering into a formal agreement;
- Annual due diligence and contract (based on the overarching Government funding body contract) detailing values of contracts and standards of delivery and learner service required;
- Risk assessment, subcontracting approval and compliance with funding body requirements;
- Allocation of the services of a designated subcontract manager and support from CTS in-house quality resources;
- Quality and delivery (8%):
- Regular partner review meetings and CTS best-practice forums incorporating specific training around quality of delivery and improvement plans;
- Quality of teaching and learning observations and recommendations; in line with best practice sharing and functional skills support
- Support from Quality & Curriculum and H&S Management including audits and future recommendations
- Continuous improvement and best practice (2%):
- Safeguarding and Prevent training and updates;
- Stakeholder feedback, surveys, and best practice;
- Best practice and support on quality requirements (CTS holds ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 accreditation and encourages partners to aspire to continuous improvement).
- Administration and audit (7%):
- Regular monthly performance updates and administration support for inputting, claims procedures and queries;
- Monthly performance tracking to contract, forecast out-turn and profiling support;
- Procedures for validating earned funding claims using ESFA evidence of learning rules;
- Learner-claim file audits, evidence checking and compliance recommendations.
Any additional fees or charges for work required or requested in addition to the Management Service Fees will be agreed between the two parties. These will be documented for each such occasion and may include additional services provided such as investigating or administering breaches of contract, additional or specific training requirements outside of core delivery, investigation of financial irregularities, or additional administrative or delivery services requested by the subcontractor.
Corporate Governance
Decisions on the type, quantum, and content of subcontracts are reserved for the Directors with relevant input from Partnership Managers, including:
- Subcontractor policies being reviewed at least annually and published in accordance with, and by ESFA deadlines;
- Subcontractor assurance reviews are conducted at least every three years (or other interval as required by the ESFA) by an independent external assessor, and relevant certificates and evidence produced to the ESFA as appropriate;
- All subcontract agreements with partners are approved by the Directors and the rationale for each contract and delivery content is reviewed and agreed in advance with partners;
- Subcontractor strategy is reviewed against the ESFA Subcontracting Standard and permissions are sought and gained as necessary where guidelines require this;
- Ensuring that Partnership Managers have both the necessary skills and experience to successfully manage contracts, and direct access to Directors to ensure appropriate management, quality, compliance, and contingencies are in place.
Policy review dates and communication
CTS reviews its subcontract partner policies at least annually and publishes this policy on its corporate website in addition to providing all subcontract partners with copies and support directly.
Prior year subcontracting activity and declarations
Updated 30th October 2024
CFO (Board)
Fire Safety Policy
CT SKILLS is a responsible employer and takes its fire safety duties seriously. For this reason we have formulated this policy to help us comply with the REGULATORY REFORM (FIRE SAFETY) ORDER 2005. In compliance with this legislation, we will adopt a risk assessment based approach to managing fire safety within our premises. Based on the findings of the fire risk assessment (FRA) we will also create an emergency action plan, which provides explicit guidance to all staff, learners and visitors to ensure that in the event of a fire our premises are safely evacuated.
This policy covers all sites, learning centres and areas under CT Skills’ control.
In particular CT Skills will:
- Meet all relevant legislation, government guidelines, regulations and industry codes of practice on Fire Safety.
- Ensure that, on a continual improvements basis, all Fire hazards are identified, risks assessed and suitable controls put in place to ensure Fire Safety.
- Engage with employees, contractors and visitors to further reduce Fire Hazards and risks associated with working for, with, or on behalf of CT Skills.
- Develop our management processes to ensure that Fire Safety is considered during planning and implementation of any operations.
- Maintain a commitment to train all staff in Fire Safety awareness.
- Maintain a commitment to train all staff that are responsible for designated roles, such as Fire Wardens.
Employees’ duties
All employees have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure that they do not place themselves or others at risk of harm. They are also expected to co-operate fully in complying with any fire precaution procedures that are introduced as a measure to protect the safety and well being of our staff, learners, visitors and premises. All employees have a responsibility to make sure they sign-in and sign-out of CT Skills buildings accordingly, and are familiar with the layout of the building, noting where fire exits are and where they lead. They must also ensure the correct use of fire doors and ensure that all fire exits and evacuation routes are clear at all times.
We will keep staff informed of any changes that are made to our fire safety procedures and FRA. We will also ensure that all learners and visitors to our premises are asked to sign-in on arrival, briefed on the evacuation procedure, issued with a visitor/identification card, and supervised by a member of staff at all times. All learners will be given a site tour of the building they attend, including exit routes, final exits and assembly points, as part of their induction.
Discretionary Learner Support (DLS) Policy for learners ages 19+
CT Skills endeavour to provide a safe and secure learning environment for every learner that attends training and education with them. For those with specific financial hardship that prevents them from taking part in learning there is the Discretionary Learner Support (DLS) available. Please be assured that the DLS arrangements in place for CT Skills learners are dependent on their financial circumstances and should not under any circumstances be based on any other discriminating factor. The criteria and procedures operated by CT Skills for considering and making payments are based on funding rules issued by the SFA. The funds are ultimately used to support those most in need to achieve whilst learning with CT Skills. Please note, awards are subject to fund availability and are not an entitlement. They are also awarded on the expectation a learner should aim to achieve at least 90% attendance. Assessment and documentation for eligibility for will be held in the strictest confidence within a one to one session. Evidence of benefits are required. If you are on an Apprenticeship programme within an employers premises then unfortunately you are not eligible for any travel support. Any costs for you to travel to workshops must be covered by your employer.
How we can support you?
Within DLS there are several strands to the funding. The details below show how they are broken down and who is eligible.
19+ Hardship Fund
This funding maybe available to those on pre employment training programmes who are vulnerable and disadvantaged and the funding would remove financial barriers to learning. This may be to cover costs such as:
- Transport;
- Registration fees.
To evidence this we will require a copy of your Jobseekers Agreement (JSAG) or evidence you are claiming ESA (WRAG)
20+ Childcare
Funding maybe available to support learners over the ages of 20 who are at risk of not being able to start or continue learning due to childcare arrangements and are not receiving any support from other sources. CT Skills will pay the Ofsted registered provider directly at the end of each month on confirmation the learner attending training. Along with the usual evidence we require to ensure you can access funding for training we will also require:
- Details of Childcare provider and Ofsted number;
- A copy of your Jobseekers Agreement (JSAG) or evidence you are claiming ESA (WRAG).
The funding will only fund childcare for timetabled hours plus reasonable travel time to and from CT Skills premises.
Non payment of bursaries
CT Skills reserve the right to withdraw access to support payments for any reason deemed as misuse or abuse of the funding.
If you feel you have been discriminated against for whatever reason throughout the support payments process, the grievance procedure can be found in your learner handbook. Please ask for a copy if you no longer have this. If you wish to appeal against any decisions regarding bursary payments please contact the Senior Contracts Manager of CT Skills at Unit 1 Priory Court, Derby Road, Nottingham, NG9 2TA. They shall endeavour to investigate the situation and reply to your written communication within 10 working days.
Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Service: whistleblowing@ctskills.co.uk
Whistleblowing policy – overview:
This policy outlines the Company’s commitment to upholding integrity and openness in all its business dealings; ensuring all staff always adhere to best practice and honest conduct to deliver sustainable and fair outcomes. The policy details the circumstances and mechanisms as to how an individual can raise whistleblowing concerns in a discrete and meaningful way to the benefit of both the individual and the company.
What is Whistleblowing: CT Skills is committed to the highest standards of openness, accountability, and honesty. As a business we are committed to preventing fraud, corruption, and improper conduct. To help us achieve this you can speak up directly to us if you feel CT Skills is failing to maintain these standards via our Whistleblowing service.
Aim of the policy: CT Skills wants to reinforce and promote a culture that helps all our employees, and our wider stakeholders, to know that there is a safe alternative to silence, and we will appropriately address serious concerns reported in good faith. It is in all our interests that any wrongdoing which threatens our business is identified and acted upon swiftly and with integrity. This Policy is designed to ensure that you can raise your concerns about wrongdoing or malpractice within CT Skills without fear of reprisal. It is also intended to encourage and enable you to raise serious concerns within the company rather than ignoring a problem or seeking external redress.
When to use Whistleblowing: Having a trusted whistleblowing helpline is not a replacement for normal day-to-day interaction and most employee concerns and issues will be correctly communicated in the normal course and framework of the business. However, if you have a significant concern and feel you are unable to speak to your line manager directly, or more informally to someone senior, we have in place an independent reporting process to protect both you and the company from any untoward behaviour and business concerns.
The company recognises that the decision to report a concern can be a difficult one to make. If you honestly and reasonably believe what you are saying is true, you should have nothing to fear because you will be doing your duty to your employer, your colleagues and those for whom you are providing a service.
Rarely, a case might arise where it is the employee that has participated in the action causing concern. In such a case it is in the employee’s interest to come into the open as soon as possible. The company cannot promise not to act against such an employee but the fact that they came forward will be taken into consideration.
Reporting incidents within the company:
Our CTS whistleblowing helpline: ‘whistleblowing@ctskills.co.uk’ sends any messages to, and directly alerts, our HR Manager and Chief Financial Officer of any issues. These two staff members are deemed to be sufficiently senior, empowered, and can access resources to investigate any issues fairly and diligently. Our CT Skills whistleblowing process is accessible through our main corporate website and may be used by:
- all employees of CTS
- all learners undertaking a period of study with CTS
- all employees of contractors, and those providing services under contract for CTS, including subcontractors
Any such incident reported will, by its nature, be treated as a unique case and investigated. As such, timescales are difficult to articulate but as a minimum the company will look to respond to any issue raised within an initial 5-working day timescale and, where a contact mechanism is available, will then update the individual on likely duration and process steps of any investigation from that point once details have been considered appropriately.
Email any significant concerns directly to whistleblowing@ctskills.co.uk or via www.ctskills.co.uk
or write to us at: Whistleblowing, CT Skills Limited, The Quadrant, Nuart Road Beeston Nottingham NG9 2NH.
The whistleblowing process: Any emails that you communicate to ‘whistleblowing@ctskills.co.uk’ will be handled confidentially. Emails can be anonymous, but it is likely to help our process if we can access further details from you as part of our investigation into any messages received. We will not disclose your identity at any stage unless required to do so by law or where we have first gained your direct consent in advance.
To assure you that your disclosure has been properly addressed, unless there are any legal reasons why this cannot be done, where we have your name and contact details you will be kept informed of the progress.
This policy is designed to enable the company a mechanism to review and act on any significant concerns at an early opportunity. Our preference is always that any day-to-day concerns be raised with your direct contact or line manager in the first instance where this can be done safely, with whistleblowing as a further safeguard or fallback procedure.
Further information on Whistleblowing:
The Government website has information on whistleblowing for employees at https://www.gov.uk/whistleblowing.
Protect is a whistleblowing charity who also have a website and advice service with information for employees.
Reporting incidents to the ESFA:
We always hope that you will be comfortable raising any issue internally within the company through the Whistleblowing process above and that this will always be the first route pursued if such an instance arises. If you do feel that you have exhausted this route without resolution or that such a process is not possible then a contract-related incident can be reported directly to the ESFA
If you instead choose to raise an issue directly with a third party outside of the company this may be deemed a breach of trust and bring into question the terms of your employment contract, or other interactions with CT Skills.
To complain or make a disclosure about a post-16 education or training provider, please email ESFA’s Customer Service Team or send a letter to: complaints.esfa@education.gov.uk or Customer Service Team, Education and Skills Funding Agency, Cheylesmore House, Quinton Road, Coventry CV1 2WT.
This Whistleblowing policy was reviewed and approved by
Ralph Harris
July 2024
EFA Vulnerable Bursary Policy
The Education Funding Agency Fund (EFA) helps vulnerable young people who may be facing financial difficulties during their study programme.
CT Skills is able to make an application to the Education Funding Agency to assist a learner with up to £1,200 of vulnerable bursary funding.
CT Skills Limited is able to make discretionary awards to learners that meet the criteria set by the Education Funding Agency. The bursary will be distributed on a pro rata basis dependent on the duration of their course and individual circumstances,
Eligibility is assessed against means tested benefits and evidence is required. A learner must inform CT Skills staff if they are receiving the same bursary from another source. It is the learner’s responsibility to make CT Skills Limited staff aware if they are receiving financial support from other fund sources. A signed declaration will be required.
The maximum bursary under this policy is £1,200 for a learner attending 5 days per week, for a period of 30 weeks in total (150 days in total.) The bursary is therefore paid at a daily rate of £8 for each actual day of programme that a learner attends up to the maximum bursary of £1,200.
The learner must be made aware that any information regarding personal circumstances will not be made public and they should discuss any issues with their advisor so that CT Skills is able to help them in further education.
Purpose of bursary
The bursary support can be used for the following reasons:
The £1,200 learner can be used to assist the learner to pay for learning material such as books, transport costs or meals. It is used to assist learners that are receiving benefits and facing financial barriers.
The learner must be classed as Vulnerable:
Vulnerability Definitions:
- Usually living apart from their parents/carers or with their parents/carers but receiving social security benefits in their own right.
- Young people in care including unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people.
- Recent Young care leavers (Within 13 weeks of leaving care)
- Young people receiving income support in their own right
- Young people in receipt of BOTH Employment Support allowance and Disability living allowance/Personal Independent Payment or
Income Support/Universal Credit
Evidence Required from applicants:
- Letter from DWP stating benefits received.
- Letter from DWP confirming that learner is allowed to be in further education.
- Written confirmation of young person’s current and previous looked after status from the relevant local authority. This can be in the form of a headed letter or official email. Please note the student must receive the benefit in their own right.
Application process
A Bursary application form must be completed and submitted to the Advisor at the one to one along with relevant evidence. The advisor must submit the form to the bursary team along with the learner’s contact details who will then make a further application to the Education Funding Agency.
The Education Funding agency will inform the bursary team if the application has been successful /unsuccessful. The bursary team will inform the learner directly regarding the outcome.
If the learner is not satisfied with the outcome they can email an appeal to the bursary team at bursaries@ctskills.co.uk who will reassess and inform the learner regarding the decision within 28 days.
Changes in circumstances
The learner must inform their course tutor or advisor if their circumstances change as soon as possible so that the advisor or course tutor can reassess their application. This policy applies to academic year from 1st August 2022 to 31st July 2023 and is reviewed annually or sooner to reflect updated EFA guidelines.
If there are any further queries relating to this policy please visit: https://www.gov.uk
EFA Discretionary Bursary Policy
The Education Funding Agency helps learners who are 16-19 experiencing financial difficulties. This means that they will struggle to meet the costs associated whilst undertaking Further Education Courses funded by EFA. EFA provide CT Skills Limited with a set bursary fund each year so that they can forward these to their learners ensuring that their education is not disturbed with financial limitations.
CT Skills Limited can make discretionary awards to learners that meet the criteria set by them in line with the funding body. The bursary will be distributed on a first come first serve basis to those learners that have committed to regular attendance. If demand exceeds the available funds, reduced awards may be given and when funds are fully committed, no further awards will be made.
Eligibility is assessed against means tested state benefits and overall household income. If financial support is provided by other sources then a bursary cannot be claimed for the same purpose. For example, if the learner is receiving transport bursary from another source you will not be able to claim transport costs from CT Skills Limited. It is the learner’s responsibility to make CT Skills Limited staff aware if they are receiving financial support from other fund sources. A signed declaration will be required.
Purpose of bursary
The Discretionary Learner support can be used for the following reasons:
- Travel Costs – The bursary can help the learner towards travel to and from CT Skills training centers. Proof of travel must be shown before travel fare is paid out (for example a bus ticket).
- Course Resources – This includes books, equipment and material associated with the training program. Evidence of purchase will be required for example a receipt of purchase. If learner is unable to purchase the item beforehand due to the costs CT Skills can purchase on behalf of the learner.
- Resit Exam Fees – If learners need to resit an exam.
Eligibility criteria for applicants
- Must be 16-18 years old or 19 on or before 31st August 2022.
- Must permanently reside in UK or EU and be able to provide evidence.
- Enrolled on a funded EFA course
- Household Income must be less than £25,000. This can be evidenced by the following:
- P60 (Must be dated within the current year. i.e., from 1st August 2022 to 31st July 2023.
- Payslips for three consecutive weeks if paid weekly and 1 month’s wage slip if paid monthly (dated within 6 months of claiming.)
- If self-employed must show bank statements for three consecutive months (dated within 6 months of claiming.)
- Working Tax credit showing overall income summary dated within current year of programme start date i.e. from 1st August 2022 to 31st July 2023.
- Able to demonstrate financial hardship by the following evidence by a letter dated within 3 months or within current year where an annual summary is provided:
- Income Support
- Income based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
- The Guaranteed element of state pension credit
- HMRC Child tax credit award for 2021-22 (not working tax credit) AND Annual gross household income does not exceed £16,190 (assessed by HMRC)
- Universal Credit letter – only if it is replacing one of the above benefits (If learner is receiving UC – Advisor must find out which benefit UC is replacing and write it on the UC letter before forwarding it the bursary team)
Note: Claims will not be backdated and will only start from the date the bursary team approve the application form.
If over 19 years old after 31st August 2022
Do not meet eligibility criteria above or are a Waged Student Apprentice
Application process
A Bursary application form must be completed and submitted to the Advisor at the one to one along with relevant evidence. The advisor will assess whether the learner is eligible for the bursary and inform the learner regarding the outcome. This will be further assessed by the bursary team who will make the final decision.
If the learner is not satisfied with the outcome they can email an appeal to the bursary team at bursaries@ctskills.co.uk who will reassess and inform the learner regarding the decision within 28 days
Changes in circumstances
The learner must inform their course tutor or advisor if their circumstances change as soon as possible so that the advisor or course tutor can reassess their application. This policy applies to academic year 2022/23 and is reviewed annually or sooner to reflect updated SFA guidelines.
If there are any further queries relating to this policy please visit: https://www.gov.uk
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement
CT Skills is committed towards the eradication of slavery and human trafficking and fulfils its statutory responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This statement acknowledges the legislation and laws implemented by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and details the steps that the organisation is taking to work towards the provision of the Act.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our organisation and supply chains. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
Please find the full policy and statement here
Carbon Reduction Plan
CT Skills believes the protection of the environment is an integral part of good institutional business practice and that it has a duty to conduct all its operations with due regard for the environment, and commits to maintaining and, wherever possible, improving the quality of the environment through continuous improvement of its management system. In addition, to advise and support others to share the CT Skills’ commitment through relevant best practice and communication, to make a positive contribution to the environment.
CT Skills is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2045.
Please find the full policy and statement here
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)
It is the Policy of CT Skills to ensure that all learners have access to high quality, impartial Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) to enable them to make informed decisions, to achieve their full potential and succeed and progress in life. The support and guidance we offer our learners will be based on their individual circumstances and need and will be focussed on our commitment to ensure we recruit “the right learner, onto the right programme, at the right time.”
We will work proactively with employers, networks, and other stakeholders to ensure this commitment is met, including the effective use of signposting where we are not able to meet the needs of individual learners. Our passion is to give people the skills and confidence they need to succeed by promoting and following five core values: PRAISE Pride Respect Accountability Integrity & Service Excellence.
Please find the full policy here
Here at CT Skills, we want the best for you. That’s why it is so crucial for us to inform you of our policies and procedures. We want you to be happy and safe. If you or your child studies with us, please do not wait to contact us if you have any safeguarding concerns. You can contact the Safeguarding and Wellbeing Champions team directly via email: safeguarding@ctskills.co.uk .